Thursday, November 28, 2019

Investigate a possible relationship between self-esteem and levels of satisfaction in the undergraduate student population Essay Example

Investigate a possible relationship between self-esteem and levels of satisfaction in the undergraduate student population Essay The present research was carried out in order to investigate a possible relationship between self-esteem and levels of satisfaction in the undergraduate student population. The aim was to identify a possible correlation that may illustrate that people with high self-esteem are generally more satisfied than those with low self-esteem. The survey instrument used as the means to test the hypothesis was a self-complete questionnaire containing both closed and open questions. This was piloted and then administered to an opportunity sample of 21 first year undergraduates at West Suffolk College. The quantitative data was analysed using the SPSS computer package. The results reveal a correlation coefficient of r=.816 indicating a strong positive correlation, which was then statistically tested and shown to be significant at the 0.01 level. The qualitative data was analysed and found to support the quantitative data. The results and findings in both cases support the hypothesis and so it can therefore be concluded that there is a significant correlation between levels of self-esteem and levels of undergraduate satisfaction. This study is interested in self-esteem in relation to satisfaction in the undergraduate student population. It seeks to investigate how high or low self-esteem affects the way a person sees their world. The aim was to identify a possible correlation that may illustrate that people with high self-esteem are generally more satisfied than those with low self-esteem. Self-esteem is one of the most studied aspects of individual difference in personality. Humanist, psychodynamic, social psychological and cognitive theorists have emphasised the importance of self-esteem. The impact on the individual of having either high or low levels of self-esteem may not simply affect their life expectations but also impact at a societal level. There is a belief, supported by Baumeister (1999), that low self-esteem is responsible for a broad assortment of personal and social problems. There is a dearth of evidence that suggests that school programs aimed at raising childrens self-esteem produce a reduct ion in crime, delinquency, drug abuse and underachievement in school. (Baumeister 1999). We will write a custom essay sample on Investigate a possible relationship between self-esteem and levels of satisfaction in the undergraduate student population specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Investigate a possible relationship between self-esteem and levels of satisfaction in the undergraduate student population specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Investigate a possible relationship between self-esteem and levels of satisfaction in the undergraduate student population specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Curry and Johnson (1990) describe high self-esteem as a secure sense of identity and an ability to acknowledge and value ones own efforts and achievements. They stress a connection between high self-esteem, confidence, energy and optimism and argue that these traits have their roots in early years. Baumeister, Rice and Hutton (1989) discuss self-esteem in terms of motivational orientation, with high self-esteem giving a self-enhancing orientation. In other words a person considered to have high self esteem is more likely to seek to capitalise on their good traits and pursue successes even under risky conditions. On the other hand people with low self-esteem have a self-protecting orientation and avoid failures and set backs. (Baumeister 1999). The importance of understanding more about self-esteem in relation to education is clear. A suitable means of doing this is in the guise of a straightforward satisfaction questionnaire the process of which students are quite familiar with. With the focus of self esteem and student satisfaction in mind the following experimental hypothesis has been drawn up. Experimental Hypothesis There is a significant correlation between levels of self-esteem and levels of undergraduate satisfaction Null Hypothesis Any correlation between levels of self-esteem and levels of undergraduate satisfaction is due to chance factors. Method The survey instrument used in this study was a self-complete questionnaire, which was developed for the purpose of identifying levels of satisfaction and self esteem. The self esteem indicators were based on the Rosenberg (1965) self esteem scale (see appendix 5). The main reason for the use of a questionnaire as opposed to semi-structured interview or any other method was for practical reasons and speed. The questionnaire uses a mix of open and closed questions allowing for the collection of both qualitative and quantitative data. One of the drawbacks of using this method is that it does not allow for probing, prompting or the collection of additional data. It is however quick to administer, relatively cheap and convenient for respondents. The questionnaire was broken into 3 short sections in an attempt to avoid respondent fatigue. The first section was made up of 3 qualitative questions, which were deliberately positioned at the start in order to capture the students comments while fresh. The second section was made up of a bank of quantitative questions with a 4 point Likart scale. These questions required the respondent to read a statement and then mark whether they strongly agreed, agreed, disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement. The answers were coded and given a score, ranging from strongly agreed = 4 and strongly disagreed = 1. Finally section 3 called for demographic information and more general questions probing long term goals. (Bryman 2004). A pilot study was performed and the questionnaire re designed accordingly. The resulting questionnaire was then administered. The quantitative data was analysed in order to establish the correlation coefficient, the strength of the correlation, which was then statistically tested for significance. The qualitative data was analysed and findings compared to the quantitative data. An opportunity sample of 21 participants made up of 20 females and 1 male agreed to take part. The group consisted of first year students on degree programs within the West Suffolk College. Eleven of the participants were Humanities degree students and 10 were Behavioural Studies and the ages ranged from 19 41+. Standard forms (appendix 1-3) were produced in order to make replication of the survey possible. These included an information/consent form (appendix 1), a request for further information form (appendix 2) and a self-complete questionnaire (appendix 3). A group of 1st year undergraduate students were approached within designated lecture time and invited to take part in a student satisfaction survey. An ethically approved information/consent form was issued and the students were asked to read through and sign it to give their consent. An additional form was provided to collect the details of those who wanted further information on the survey or a copy of the research findings. The respondents were informed that the whole process would only take about 10 minutes and their responses would remain entirely confidential. The purpose of the survey was explained briefly although no mention was made with regard to the self-esteem aspect of the questions. Participants were also informed of their right to withdraw at any time and asked if they had any questions prior to proceeding. Results Descriptive statistics Table 1 PPT No Course Sex M/F Age Satisfaction Score Self-esteem score Positive word score Long term goal 1 B/S F 19-21 14 11 5 Degree then job 2 H F 32-41 16 16 2 teaching 3 B/S F 42+ 12 12 4 Ed Psych 4 H F 42+ 14 14 4 Gain degree 5 B/S F 19-21 12 10 0 Get a job 6 H F 22-31 13 12 4 teaching 7 H F 22-31 14 13 3 No long term goal 8 B/S F 22-31 11 9 2 Not sure if I will even complete course 9 B/S F 42+ 13 13 5 Open minded 10 B/S F 22-31 13 10 1 unsure 11 B/S F 22-31 16 15 5 MA Psych 12 B/S F 42+ 15 16 5 Teaching primary 13 B/S F 32-41 12 12 3 Ed Psych 14 H F 32-41 15 14 3 Achieve best grade 15 H F 42+ 11 11 4 Teach primary 16 H M 42+ 13 13 2 Teach 17 H F 22-31 16 15 3 1st Class Hons 18 H F 32-41 12 12 4 Teaching 19 H F 19-21 13 14 3 teaching 20 B/S F 32-41 14 12 5 Rewarding career/independance 21 H F 22-31 12 10 2 Teach Not sure if good enough Total 281 264 Mean 13 13 St Dev 1.6 2 Table 1 lists the program of study, age group and gender of the 21 respondents. It also lists the total scores for satisfaction and self-esteem taken from the quantitative part of the questionnaire together with the mean and standard deviations. The table also includes the individual respondents positive word scores, which were derived from the qualitative data collected. The final column details the respondents long-term goal, which was part of the demographic section of the questionnaire and shows that 8 out of the 21 respondents aim to go into teaching, 3 respondents hoped their degree would lead onto a job but did not specify the type of job. 3 respondents said they would like to undertake a Masters degree and/or go into Educational Psychology. 3 respondents reported that gaining a degree was their long term goal, 1 of whom is aiming for a first class honours degree. The 4 remaining respondents said they were unsure, open-minded or had no long-term goal. Generally satisfaction sc ores tended to be high with a mean score of 13 (the lowest possible score being 4 and the highest 16). Deviation from the mean was minor with a standard deviation of 1.6 for satisfaction and 2 for self-esteem. SPSS was used to calculate the correlation, which is illustrated in the scatter gram in appendix 4. Correlation measures the extent to which the self esteem and satisfaction scores tend to change together or co-vary. Appendix 4 illustrates the strong positive correlation found with the self esteem and satisfaction scores. Regression analysis estimates the best fit of the line through the scatter of related pairs. SPSS generated descriptives showing the scores, mean and standard deviations for both self esteem and satisfaction broken down into age groups can be seen in appendix 17. Fig. 1 Breakdown of Scores by Age Fig 1 Compares the means scores for self-esteem and satisfaction and breaks them down into the separate age groups. See appendix 16 for SPSS generated age, score summary. Self-esteem scores vary from mid to high. The greatest difference in scores can be seen in the 22-31 age group. The scores were also analysed in terms of the program of study in order to see if there was any difference between the responses of the behavioural studies and humanities students (see appendix 7) in which case little difference was found. Inferential statistics In order to determine any significance in the correlation, Pearsons Product Moment parametric test was applied. This test was selected, as it is the most appropriate for use with the interval data generated by the self-esteem and satisfaction scales used in this study. SPSS was used to calculate the level of significance. (See appendix 6) The results displayed in table 2 below, show the correlation to be significant at the 0.01 level thereby confirming that the null hypothesis may be rejected. (Coolican, 1999). Table 2 Sample size (N) Correlation coefficient (r) Hypothesis Significance 21 .816 2 tailed 0.01 Analysis The qualitative data discussed below has been taken from the responses to three questions. In the first, respondents were asked to list 5 words, which they felt best describe the person they are. See appendix 8. The words were then analysed and common themes drawn out. Appendix 9 is a table showing the chosen words in order of most frequently used. The words were broken down into the following categories, positive, negative and neutral, low self-esteem and high self-esteem. Appendix 10 includes a bar chart showing the resulting breakdown. Of the 105 words in total used by the 21 respondents, 51 words were classified as positive and only 4 were classified as negative. The two pie charts in appendix 10, illustrate the breakdown of high self-esteem and low self esteem words used. These findings clearly reflect a high level of positive self-description by respondents and a very low negative self-description. Friendly, confident and content were the most frequently used high self-esteem w ords and self-conscious was the most frequently used low self-esteem word. The comparison between the number of high and low self-esteem words in the bar chart (appendix 11) serves to further illustrate the strength of self-esteem in the respondents. The second question focused on the best and worst things about college. Transcripts of the respondents comments can be seen in appendix 12. Common themes were drawn from the transcript and detailed in the table shown in appendix 13. It was observed that the number of positive comments, which totalled 40, far outweighed the negative comments which totalled 25, thus further supporting the view that students are generally satisfied with their college experience. Two bar charts were created to illustrate the findings. See appendix 14. Finally, the third question was-What do you hope to have achieved on completion of the course? Transcripts may be seen in appendix 15. Respondents comments fell into 2 main categories, that of achievement of the degree course and secondly that of self-fulfilment. Further analysis is required in order to identify any possible meaning behind this. In reviewing the qualitative data sets and comparing them with the individual scores for satisfaction and self-esteem a common theme is revealed. The 4 respondents with the highest scores for self-esteem and satisfaction, (respondents nos. 2,11,12 and 17 highlighted in yellow on table 1), tended to have more specific and ambitious long-term goals. For example, respondent 11s long-term goal is to go on to achieve a Masters in Psychology and respondent 17s goal is to gain a first class honours degree. In contrast the 4 respondents with the lowest scores (nos. 5, 8, 10 and 21 highlighted in green) had much less ambitious and specific long term goals. Respondent 8 who scored the lowest out of all the respondents for self-esteem replied not sure if I will even complete the course. From this it is possible to argue that those with higher esteem tend to be more ambitious and more specific in their goals. This would concur with the findings of Baumeister, Rice and Hutton (1989) in regard to motivational orientation. Discussion The intention of this research was to address the hypothesis that there is a significant correlation between levels of self-esteem and levels of undergraduate satisfaction. Statistical testing has demonstrated a significant correlation between these two variables and this has been further supported by the more descriptive data provided by each respondent. The strengths and weaknesses of the method, sample and application will now be reviewed. The method of accessing the sample was efficient in terms of response rate. The aim was to obtain 20 completed questionnaires. 25 questionnaires were issued thus allowing for up to 5 spoiled or withdrawn question sheets. 21 completed questionnaires were returned along with their corresponding information/consent forms correctly signed. The high rate of respondents may have been affected by an element of conformity pressure. The lecture theatre location and timing were conducive to the high response rate and the fact that the lecturer introduced the researcher and clearly gave her approval further encouraged co-operation. It also meant that all the respondents were subject to the same external conditions. Despite the possible pressure to take part, the respondents may have felt uneasy about writing their answers in the close proximity of their classmates; this could alter the responses given and t hus the reliability of the study. By capturing an audience in this opportunist way, one inevitably ends up with an unrepresentative sample. In this case a group of students from a limited no of courses namely Humanities and Behavioural Studies Degree programmes. They were all first years and all but one, female. These imbalances are bound to bias the results. The program of study a particular student may be studying is likely to have an effect, however little difference in responses could be identified between the Humanities and Behavioural Studies students. It would however be dangerous to assume that this would be the case across all undergraduate subjects. It can argued that Humanities and Behavioural studies subject may attract similar types of students and the views or experiences of an undergraduate engineering group for example, may vary considerably. The focus of the study is concerned very much with general overall satisfaction with college experience. It has deliberately steered away from specifics such as satisfaction with individual modules, methods of delivery and course content. The open ended questions have however highlighted a host of factors affecting satisfaction which have not been fully analysed in this case. The findings have simply been used to indicate general levels of satisfaction. The self esteem aspect of the study has revealed that in this research sample levels of self-esteem scores range from mid to high with no scores indicating low self-esteem. A possible explanation for this may be that few people with low self-esteem would even consider attempting a degree course in the first place. Further investigation may shed more light on this possibility. It has proved useful to have a mix of data in order to gain a more balanced view. There was a tendency for some respondents to tick the same response column to all quantitative questions. This happened in 4 cases. This could mean that the respondent felt that the same answer applied to all questions or they were just arbitrarily ticking the same box with little thought. Bryman (2001) describes this as acquiescence, the tendency for people to consistently agree or disagree. One way to identify if the respondents are really reading the questions and answering accordingly is to include the odd reversed score question. The option to split the order of questions to avoid possible order affects was considered, should the study be taken further this may well be worth consideration. A minor level of deceit was employed in that respondents were not informed about the self-esteem aspect to the study. This was considered to be of minimal ethical consideration and acceptable in order to prevent any affects resulting from the participants knowing that their self-esteem was the subject of the study. This study also notes that 13 respondents completed the further information form requesting a copy of this report. Conclusion and Implications This study has established a relationship between satisfaction and self esteem in that those with higher self-esteem have reported greater satisfaction with their college experience compared to those with lower self-esteem. This has been demonstrated through a significant, strong, positive correlation of the variables supported by qualitative data. It must however be noted that the correlation of these factors does not imply cause and effect. In other words it can not be concluded that one has an effect upon the other. It is also impossible to state with any authority that those with higher self-esteem tend to be more satisfied with their college experience across education as a whole. The sample in this study is too narrow to make that assumption. The possibility that college life only appeals to those with higher self-esteem can not be ignored either. It may be the case that Higher education may not attract those with low self-esteem. It has been established through the literature that self-esteem is a useful trait to possess. Baumeister (1999) suggests that raising self-esteem could bring about dramatic improvements to both the individual and society as a whole. Inclusion and lifelong learning are driving forces throughout education today. Watson and Taylor (1998). Perhaps by attempting raise levels of self esteem from an early age access to higher education may be increased.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Why We Sleep & The Necessity of Dream Sleep essays

Why We Sleep & The Necessity of Dream Sleep essays We sleep for a number of reasons; behavioral advantages, metabolic restoration, development, learning information, and for evolutionary protective reasons. Basically it boils down to two theories: physiological theory and cognitive theory. Physiologically, the sleep-wake cycle has a biological rhythm that activates various brain centers, producing activity. While asleep, usually during dark hours, we give our bodies a time to rest and recoup or rebuild to prepare for another day. It is easier for our bodies to perform and see to do things during daylight hours, therefore, we are also protecting ourselves. With the cognitive theory, dreams are a way of learning and thinking, mnemonic in nature. Dreams are believed to use our bodys down time to associate the pieces of information that havent been associated to anything previously. Id say it is a form of house cleaning. Dreaming is believed to be instrumental in memory retention and consolidation. Top scientists, however, have extremely varying visions of what occurs during sleep. A study on the role of REM sleep and memory retention and consolidation was performed by Harvard Medical School. Robert Stickgold, a professor at the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, published research that he believes provides compelling evidence that the mind works hard during sleep. They had two groups of students participate and taught each of the students the same material. One group slept as normal without interruption, but the other group was not allowed any REM sleep. The deprived group had far less retention of the material than did the group that was allowed REM sleep. According to this study memory is closely linked to REM sleep. Memory works two ways: to store important information and to remove trivial information. "The brain is taking information and helping us put it into a form that we can understand," Stickgold said. "Understanding the ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What is Pesticide Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

What is Pesticide - Assignment Example There are natural pesticides such as neem tree or citronella plant to ward off other insects. Scarecrows commonly used to ward off crows from eating the corn. Today, the market has many types of chemical pesticides suited to just any type of pest. In 2009, paldoxins, a new class of fungicides were developed and endorsed to the public sinve they were considered more earth-friendly and non-toxic ( Eurekaalert, 2009).Pesticides have three major benefits to mankind, namely,1) to prevent or control organism that cause harm 2) providing economic benefits to farmers due to reduced damage of crops due to diseases 3) prevent sickness in human beings such as DDT for malaria .Nevertheless, there is another side to this argument as pesticides can also have negative effects on human population.The following are pathological disorders caused by certain pesticides: 2.Attention-deficit disorder - Recently, it was reported that there is a possible link between pesticides used in food to incidence of ADHD in children (, 2010). The report is based on analysis of U.S. Health data where childrens urine were examined to establish the difference between eating organically grown produce and produce with fertilizers. From the given information, it can be said that pesticides creates a great risk for human beings. Although there are benefits that can be derived from using pesticide, still, the effect is even more disastrous. It is therefore a challenge for government agencies to come up with pesticides that would not be harmful to human beings as well as the environment. Ascherio A, Chen H, Weisskopf MG, OReilly E, McCullough ML, Calle EE, Schwarzschild MA, Thun MJ (2006). "Pesticide exposure and risk for Parkinsons disease". Annals of Neurology 60 (2): 197–203. doi:10.1002/ana.20904. PMID 16802290 Beseler CL, Stallones L, Hoppin JA, et al. (December 2008). "Depression and pesticide exposures among private pesticide applicators enrolled in the Agricultural Health Study".

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Local Lawsuit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Local Lawsuit - Essay Example In addition, Bill Gates instructed Andy Grove to close Intel Architecture Laboratories (Liebowitz & Margolis, 2001). These labs maintained Intel’s internet software engineering. Gates wanted Intel to incorporate its internet sources in a web server linked to Microsoft’s Tiger program. This means the web server would have less effect on the market, produce low sales, and include Intel to Microsoft’s web server tools. Intel’s concerns went beyond Intel’s creation of Native Signal Processing technology. The Native Signal Processing technology was a component of software that combined with both the hardware and Windows OS so as to support 3D graphics, real time video, and real time audio. The main aim of this technology was to give clients audio-visual occurrence that was equal to television. Therefore, Microsoft attempted to stop Intel from developing the Native Signal Processing technology (Liebowitz & Margolis, 2001). These actions led to the lawsuit involving the United States and Microsoft. Microsoft Corporation management could have adopted a number of methods to evade the issues that led to the lawsuit. First, Microsoft management should have allowed Intel to continued utilizing Windows for developing their microprocessors (Liebowitz & Margolis, 2001). They could do this without requiring alignment with Intel’s communication and internet software programs. Nonetheless, the management could draft rights for a part of the developed microprocessors. This could give them a legal right to own a component of whatever Intel developed. Microsoft’s management could have shared the company’s application programming line with Intel or any other additional party. These third party corporations could gain full access to Microsoft’s source code, systems, and records (Abramson, 2005). Gates wanted Intel to incorporate its internet sources in a web server linked to Microsoft’s Tiger

Monday, November 18, 2019

Multinational Command Relationship Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Multinational Command Relationship - Assignment Example All the operational aspects will be handled by the US TACON Commander. The constraints that might be difficult to coordinate within the council itself include coordinating the various military branches to act in accordance with each other against the SAPA in Ahurastan. The most likely outcome, with constraints being placed on the ability to define the C2 solution—would have to be complete deference to the TACON commander, who would be in charge of the entire operation. This is so that the operation can be run smoothly—and, possibly remotely—from a secure location whereby U.S. Special Forces can control the entire situation or at least influence it to some degree. Undoubtedly, the U.S. Special Forces will basically control the entire solution, in effect.  The United States has one of the most well-equipped and capable militaries of any superpower country—and in fact, it is the world leader in these types of military operations.   Basically, every countr y must defer to the United States because it is in control of this entire mission.   There are two advantages to this:   a) the United States has a large military arsenal from which it can draw supplies as well as recruit troops; and b) the United States can have full control over whatever is happening, thereby making this an operation which will be acted upon in the U.S.’s best foreign policy interests.   The two disadvantages to such coordination might be:   a) the fact that these countries do not want to be told what to do by the United States, i.e., it may be a power play move on the behalf of the U.S.; and b) secondly, military intervention by the U.S. could very much well look like another occupation of a foreign Asian country—like Afghanistan.   To put the second point into layman’s terms, it could also look a lot like the Shock and Awe Iraqi invasion of 2003.   The multinational command structure is designed so that all parties can refer to t he United States before they take action.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Effect of Online Shopping on the Consumer

Effect of Online Shopping on the Consumer Abstract The revolution in information technology (IT) and communications has changed the way people do the shopping today. In recent years, increasing online shopping have been using the Internet and other electronic media for their shopping and people are diverted from offline to online. This research paper is based on the how does online shopping change consumer buying behaviour. Specially buying books through the internet. The main aim of this study was to examine if there are any particular factors that influence the online consumer buying behaviour. Primary information was collected from the London School of Commerce students survey because the students usually buy books from online or normal shop. Price, Trust and Convenience were were recognized as significant factors. For the maximum students price is the main vital issue. Moreover, three sectors were recognized, I) High Spenders, II) Price Easers, and III) Bargain Seekers. In the course of these sectors we found a variation of the different factors significance and recognized propositions for online book shops. Keywords: Online Shopping, Consumer, Online Books, amd Buying Behaviour. Acknowledgements Being a part of the academic community is most special. As a master student at the London School of Commerce (LSC), University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (UWIC), the author has felt privileged and grateful. The author would like to therefore take this opportunity to express his gratitude to the many people (although it is impossible to list by name all) who have contributed to the completion of this dissertation. Firstly the author is highly indebted to Tom Reeves (London School of Commerce, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff) and wish to express his heart felt gratitude for his encouragement and approval of the above topic as a researchable topic. His constructive criticisms, comments and guidance are perhaps the secret behind the standard of this paper. Millions of thanks go to Students of London School of Commerce who helped me to survey the offline questionnaires around the Institute of London School of Commerce. Special appreciation goes to all the staff and tutors of the London School of Commerce, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff. Especially, Dr. Rajendra Kumar, Dr. Peter McGee, Michael Nieto, Prof. Geoffrey Lancaster, Mervyn Sookun, Ms. Ellie Semsar and Paul Reynolds for your encouragement, inspiration and innovative ideas impacted on me during and after the coursework the author says a big thank you. Finally my father, mother and my family members receive my deepest love and gratitude for their dedication and support for these years. However, the current author would like to make a declaration that this study is an addition to extant literature and was the main contributor of the overall paper. Whenever other peoples work is referred to, they are duly acknowledged. Therefore the author is solely responsible for any error and misrepresentation of facts. Shermim Akter Lucky Chapter One: Introduction 1.1 Background of the Research The development of online has formed a hypothesis transfer of the usual system persons buying. A customer is no longer bound for opening periods or particular places; he is able to turn into dynamic by online whichever moment plus every position as well as buy products or facilities. Online is a comparatively latest means for contact as well as data swap, which has turned into present within our daily existence. Expansion into e-commerce potential is far-reaching through the international world as well as trade has completely been transformed exactly to these online improvements. Separately as of this viewpoint of its outcome, it as well spreads its effectiveness/ influence on other characteristic of human performance, which generate prospect intended for further improvement as well as regeneration. Khosrow Pour (2006), describes that, e-commerce (EC) ground is a varied one, connecting a lot of performance, business components, plus technologies, as well as it includes a structure of lots of substance between which is customer facilities. Peter Rucker (2002) in (Turban et al., 2004 plus 2006) describes e-commerce like a global sharing means intended for commodities, facility as well as astonishingly intended for administrative plus specialized work. Is intensely varying money matters, he described, marketplaces plus manufacturing configuration, products plus facilities as well as their runs ; customer segmentation, customer importances plus purchaser activities. Moreover lots of reviewers described electronic commerce like the entire automatically intervened operation among an association plus any third party it transactions through (Chaffey, 2004, Pg. 7). Turban et al., (2006) within his more description, alleged e-commerce is able to be noticed as of the viewpoint of contact, facility, business education and so on. We are able to monitor that the entire the explanations heats along to the similar viewpoint of what electronic commerce is regarding. E-commerce the same as we require to identify is a broadly considered matter. It includes a lot of features which contain; Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C), Consumer to Business (C2B) etc., however present research is intended for focusing its highlighting happening Business to Consumer. Business to Consumer (B2C) is the mainly increasing one where corporations execute trade by means of customers in the Internet. A main achievement issue of Business to Consumer is locating what customers wish within words of facility, superiority, as well as cost (Turban et al., 2008). Online shopping is the method customers attempt in the course of while they choose shopping taking place online. As a result, online has improved to a very reasonable marketplace, where the rivalry more than the customer is violent. With the purpose of include an effect taking place as well as maintain customers, within a reasonable marketplace, Constantinides (2004) declared that the initial movement is recognizing particular affecting characteristics while buying in the Internet, these are able to be considered as issues. The objective of this research is to build up plus operate a form describing as well as guess implementation of the Internet customer look for plus buying performances depend taking place a combination of effectiveness maximization hypothesis plus customer acceptance assumption that deliberates inspirations (distinguished improvement) developed from the Internet search / buy as well as prices connected by the Internet search / buy. 1.2 Rationale of the Research The purpose of the research is mainly recognizing with acquire close by into what key issues the Internet customer gets into consideration while buying books in the Internet, since books are the most usually purchased product in online (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Online-Forschung e.V. [AGOF e.V.], 2007). Moreover, in this research will examine if any divisions are able to be recognized with recognizing the customers and how these divisions communicate to the recognized issues. The findings of the present study will be summarized as suggestions for the Internet book sellers with the purpose of improve their customer information as well as build up their Internet marketing strategy efficiency. 1.3 Significance of the Research The business-to-consumer is the largely noticeable trade kind of e-commerce. Internet shopping permits corporations giving product data as well as straight transactions to their customers. With the intention of successfully make customers believing electronic commerce plus Internet dealings, readily available an vital require recognizing the issues which effect customer behaviour on the way to carry on consume of Internet dealings. The benefits of Internet shopping dealings are renowned. The largest part general motivations designed for customers shopping in the Internet are convenience, wider choices, reasonable costing, as well as bigger entrance to data. Conversely, Internet transactions quantity even now stays on comparatively small evaluated to alternative transaction types. Many earlier studies have illustrated that apparent causes contain protection plus confidentiality matters, be short of awareness by the medium, as well as the appropriateness of products to be retailed. In reality within the B2C e-commerce, a customer has the twice function of the product buyer plus information technology (website) client. To the shopper within electronic commerce, the website technique is a complete demonstration of the shopping. Such as, a number of well-known Internet purchasing websites (eBay, Amazon etc.) greatly based on information technology (IT) within their trade approaches. Within the majority usual corporations, were brick and mortor trades are performed customers accomplish operations through face-to-face, telephone, report administrators, persons etc. On the contrary, nowadays trade everywhere the planet is at present worldwide, the purchaser boundary within electronic surroundings is display-to-face communication method which insists a machine denotes of Personal Computer depend screens, ATM devices, personal Laptops and many more electronic tools to talk about some. As a result, online is the only communication systems among the company and the clients, therefore it situates huge liability taking place the company to acquire as well as characterize the consumers knowledge, for the reason that there is frequently no opportunity intended for straight individual involvement for the period of meeting. Thus it provides a path in support of a enquiry, which is; Does this line provide like a certain path to disclose costs which be able to also influence c ustomers as well as finish buy with no trouble? Furthermore, how do these corporations which are ease within cost (modified/make specially, perform auctions, trades advertising) Internet vary from corporations which provide steady/permanent pricing systems? 1.4 Aims Objectives To identify the suitable cause that drive consumer to purchase books online; To give a organized and complete evaluation of online consumer buying behaviour; To analysis the exact reasons and charges have on books search and purchase decisions between Internet shoppers global; To suggest an integrated outline that improves our understanding of the fundamental motivating issues of online book consumer behaviour; To give directions used for future investigate in online consumer buying behaviour area. 1.5 Purpose and Research Questions The purpose of this research is to describe how online shopping manipulates consumer buying behaviour for buying books online. There are lots of matters related to this srudy question; however we will simply focus on buying books online. The study problems we plan to answer are: What key issues influence the Internet consumer while considering and creation for buying through the Internet? How do these issues manipulate the consumer when buyinging books in the Internet? What type of parts can be found in the recognized consumers when buying books in the Internet? What is the link by means of the recognized issues and consumer division groups? 1.6 Signposting of the Study Chapter One: Introduction In this chapter the background, rationale and significance of the research will be explained. There are also aims objectives, purpose research questions will be presented. Chapter Two: Related Literature This chapter provides relevant existing theories and models of online shopping and consumer buying behaviour as well as a model modified by the author. The working model builds upon the presented theories and is used as a foundation for the following analysis. Chapter Three: Research Methodology Strategy In this chapter, the research methodology strategy is presented. The research approach that has been adopted in order to answer the research questions and to meet the purpose is described and motivated. The research methods used in this work are as well described and discussed. Chapter Four: Data Analysis Result In this chapter the results of both the qualitative and quantitative research are presented. The results will follow the outline of the working model. Brief companies overviews are also presented. Chapter Five: Conclusion This chapter includes the conclusions of the research as well as reflections for recommendations, a discussion of the limitations and suggestions for further studies. Chapter Two: Related Literature Brief Narrative of E-Commerce While online developed into commercialised plus clients were gathering to take part within the World Wide Web (WWW) during the near beginning 1990s the word e- commerce was invented. E-commerce functions earliest expanded during the 1970s through modernization for example electronic finance shift. Afterwards the electronic data interchange (EDI) occured. The EDI expanded the band of taking part corporations since economic organization to producers, sellers, facilities, as well as other kind of trade (Turban et al., 2008). The cause to why it was executed was for the reason that it was an easy means to automatise buyings. Separately since with the intention of, it was a useful means to permit shops to connect their dealers to their collection record. This needs a costly confidential network link among the two business associates (Percival Straunik, 2001). Instructively, the development of e-commerce contains three cohorts. The initial cohort linked computers linked as well as records can be transmitted from one computer to a different computer. For the duration of the next cohort, the latest equipment as well as online prepared it achievable used for together corporations as well as customers buying taking place through the online. For the period of final cohort dissimilar value chains were associated to one another. Then business societies developed as well as reserves where mutual similar to the computer designed for preparation manufacture record (Fredholm, 2002). E- Commerce is a structure of the Internet trade connections which preserve be present during the entire means of purchasing plus retailing. The opportunity of electronic purchasing as well as retailing turned into a feasible alternative designed for more or less every company moreover e-commerce developed into general within commerce terms. Expected to this attractiveness lots of corporations started on the bandwagon with obviously presenting their facilities in the Internet; nearly all of the website to all intents and purposes gives information on the products they retailed (N. Bandyo Panhyay, 2002) Because the continuation of E-commerce developed big, its improvement ended to stay in the borders of purchasing as well as retailing of customer commodities. It has pushed leading administrators to rethink the means of a trade utilizes technology intended for improved achievement. Therefore, the www has problemed the denotation as well as importance of information plus technology which guided to an assessment of the connection among the two. Such as trade can discover it benefits to deal information like within the case of (N. Bandyo Panhyay, 2002). The beginning of e-commerce as well engages the exploit of inter technologies. This technology is applied to improve an infrastructure, whose outcome permits a corporation dividing its information sources by trade associates as well as customers together on a home as well as worldwide stage. Through these technologies corporations moreover present better facilities plus issue them getting reasonable benefit. To this outcome, the majority corporations at present as well as days observe the want reconsidering their objectives, re-originate trade system, and also set up latest methodologies in respect to prospects plus confronts within other to take part into e-commerce. Hoque (2000) inside (N. Bandyo Panhyay 2002) explained a corporations alteration during the online era like a developmentary means of four stages, which are brochureware, e-commerce, e-business, with ultimately e-enterprise. As said by Bandyo Panhyay, the brochureware period taking place during the midpoint of the 1990s while plenty of corporations bring in website which was no further than an electronic list. Since the past, a number of corporations have shifted up the range at the same time as a number of others continued fixed on the primary stage, simply like the organization of a functioning infrastructural makes the structure used for a corporations tour during this stage. He preceded more to describe e-commerce age like the commencement of the dotcom time with the B2C trade forms. This phase was noticeabled through the propagation of activate for example and which penetrated the Internet trade global retailing product plus facilities straight to customers, as well as a number of other corporations pursued match. On the other hand, it was a challenge to make a web existence plus formulate stipulation intended for value added facilities with the purpose of support, trade on the Internet, as well as continue a strong consumer base. Business Network, the manufacturing syndicate of corporations which apply, support plus construct e-commerce results in the online described e-commerce that the apply of online to change trade connections which walks off distant ahead of purchasing as well as retailing in the Internet. Within this meaning, information is capable of moreover be divided inside and transversely companies restrictions, latest connections are improved among trades plus over and above among trade plus consumers. Plenty of companies started to observe the prospective of the online used for B2B functions also this was what began the e-business age by means of a force in the direction of technological apply to make stronger central part trade systems. Now like lots of companies started to observe information like a most important trade source as well as regarded as its administration like one of the majority significant purposes. Moreover corporations realized to concentrate on information as well as awareness administration like a necessary factor of over the entire goals of their trades. Within expected route, improvement information with communications technology reserved rapidity during an endeavour to maintain this latest period. For the period of this phase, lots of corporations started to use the viewpoint of e-business constructing a trade form essential to maintain together B2B as well as B2C functions. Business Network named this phase the enterprise stage; where the online technologies are applied to carry out B2B trade performance essential to maintain their main proficiencies with giving the Internet consumer facilities which is characteristically of B2C e-commerce. Through the closing stages of twentieth century, lots of big corporations for example banks went into this age. Afterwards by means of improve during development of technology as well as trade form, swift changes within trade situatio n occured. For this reason, B2B corporations will more and more acclimatize their organization communications within the bricks and mortal system to accept a B2C form taking place one hand moreover B2C corporations will broadened their beliefs of customer focused form including B2B performance in contrast (N. Bandyo Panhyay 2002). Several Trade Forms of E-Commerce Since described before, e-commerce taking place the foundation of online is put to develop into a important means of performing trade, but latest array of electronic commerce nowadays are being guided into a lot of divisions of the business used for B2B, B2C as well as Business to Public Administration (B2P) (Paul Timmers 1998). Also, he described that a trade form is a structural design used for commodities, facilities plus information flows, together with an explanation of the different areas, prospective advantages of different trade areas plus income resources. Since the watchings of online trades, information with technology facilitates a broad series of trade forms, technology gives no direction intended for choosing latest forms other than its improvement be capable of guide to characterization of latest forms, as a result the ability of circumstances of the skill technology rise like a decisive factor to form choice. Enlisted plus described under, are several trade forms expr essed via Paul Timmers (1998). E Shops E Shops are observed like a web advertising surroundings used for corporation by the use of online. Within the majority situations, this is prepared to support the corporation, its commodities plus facilities provided through the corporation. Further to corporations performance, there is prospect to entrance manufactured goods, costs, command plus disburse. Within this logic, there will be growth necessitates, a small price way to worldwide existence, furthermore price discount during promotions with auctions. As a result, customers preserve advantage decrease /different costs evaluate to usual deal. Because of this reality, there will be broader preference, cluster of information plus ease of choosing /optimizing cost. Also, purchasing as well as shipping together with 24/7 facilities is prepared obtainable. Within the majority situations retailers income are from cut down price of manufactured goods, enhance deals plus marketing, consequently for this reason there is require intended for costs to be flexible so transactions be able to be boosted. Cases of corporations which manage e-shops are; ebay, Amazon etc. Third Party Market This mould is appropriate while corporations desire to put down the network advertising to a 3rd party market. Within this situation, they recommend a customer interface to the providers manufactured goods list where they include attributes similar to; brand name, cost, payment, logistics, instructing as well as especially the complete range of protected business deal. Every customer who desires to buy manufactured goods at a third party market will have right of entry to complete information starting the primary retailer. A case of third market supplier is Fedex who delivers desirable quality orders plus lots of things. Virtual Society Virtual Society corporations usually offer surroundings where associates who are customers include their data after making buys. This data provides like the final importance of virtual socities corporations. Instructively, these corporations are able to be attached to another marketing operator with the purpose of construct consumer reliability, reactions as well as criticism (Hagel et al., 1997). Amazon is a case of a virtual corporation who transactions going on books as well as other goods throughout the online. Latest facilities plus opportunities of other trade forms such as electronic malls, partnership stage and so on are consequences of further roles of virtual corporations. Value Chain Facility Supplier This form focuses on particular roles used for the value chain for example electronic payments. Banks, such as include put themselves within this form quiet previously. Moreover, latest approaches are rising within manufacture / reserve organization where by, intermediaries suggests concentrated plus fin tuned manufacture to corporations. A model of value chain facility supplier is UPS ( E Auctions Electronic auction is not only observed like a form other than is furthermore observed like a costing system within active costing method. It presents an execution of bidding system. E Auctions are capable of came with through multimedia appearance of manufactured goods plus costs. Mainly frequently, they are confidential to this particular conclusiveness which as well contains combination of the bidding system through dealing payment plus shippment. Thus it provides enormous advantage to equally dealer plus purchasers with reduction time as well as price perhaps, intended for shipping in anticipation of the transaction has been well-known. Customer observe it like way formulating buy, for the reason that separately from the period it accumulates it them provides a chance to set out used for the manufactured goods by the cost they be capable of manage to pay for. Business to Consumer (B2C) E-commerce Business to consumer e-commerce (B2C) among other types of e-commerce is the majority growing one all over the place companies implement business through consumer with the assist of online. However a little feature of business to business (B2B) is demotes to altercation among business plus customers. Cases of corporations which manage their trade through this type of Business to Consumer (B2C) e-commerce are; eBay, Amazon etc. Within this characteristic of e-commerce, the entire transactions performances, customer hunt, frequently ask questions (FAQ) are normally pursued in the Internet (Jeffrey et al., 2001). Lots of corporations have been capable making bigger their trades within an effective means in online, although several in point of fact have vanished keen on economic failure. Within another expression, B2C EC can furthermore be described like the idea of selling plus e-tailing, which involves transactions of commodities with facilities to particular customers in the Internet. Online, corporations attempt policies to flexible costing system which may possibly be applied within arriveing at customers, huge amounts to be accurate. As a result, one of these systems is index transactions which since the past are one of the matured ways exercised via corporations to perform transactions. Index transactions modified to customer recommend customers assistance since the confine of room plus period, as well it at no cost sellers, beginning the require of material shops by which they be capable of allocate goods. Selling carried out through online is entitled electronic retailing (e-tailing) which be able to be performed by way of auctions. It formulates it simpler in support of producers to trade straight to customers elimination intermediary. For instance corporations suppose Amazon, ebay, Abebooks, wal-mart etc. are keen on straight to customer online trade (Turban el at. 2008). These online corporations apply various systems to tell information of goods to customers plus these systems improves how adaptable they are within costs between other items. Furthermore, the central part information of these corporations communicates particularly to trade deals, such as information connected to combine of manufactured goods plus costs wished via customers. Therefore, this integrative information provides like a connection among sellers and customers. The information of goods that are retailed to customer does not merely improve buyings it as well provide corporations a concept of customer purchasing tendency. Through the concept corporations will aim for additional/improved business moreover consequently develop rising the goods plus costs are executed. Within other to profit from taking place the prospective of the online, active bricks plus mortal moreover index letters command corporations require to change their integrative information by their execution of costs on manufactured goods plus the whole corporation administration altogether. Past history used for B2C achievement investigated through earlier period researches highlight biased customers at every movement of their communication by way of EC. Suitable entrance to information within the method of buying is recommended within the sharp stage of Simons choice formulating form (Butler and Peppard 1998). While customers discover Internet shopping to be suitable, period well-organized plus cost discount consumers will be pleased by means of the common usefulness plus good organization of online buying means. Now when consumers will discover buying knowledge flattering if Internet sellers are reactive to costs separation, assessment, anxious plus dependable for the period of shopping system plus consequent relations among consumers (Paul et al., 2000). Pricing Matters Pricing matters during buyings is a reason, which has not to be taken too lightly; a number of studies put down additional importance happening another issue, which improves buyings with provide small or no concentration to pricing. The involvement of manufactured goods information carries a great deal of characteristic factor basis going on the particular customer. Within another word, it based on what the customer observes like significant concerning the data of manufactured goods that provides a primary desirability for shopping. After that, the value is one more feature to control or provide like a first choice, relatively bring about the customer to buy. Consistent with Morris and Paul (2000) within their study, they described about price, which is a factor of purchasing choice, which cannot be neglecting. They extended more describing with the purpose of a factor is positioned additional significant than price during creation buyings choice, afterwards it worth is measured to b e a prerequisite used for buying, except if the factor is positioned not as much of significant than price, at that time suitable array be capable of observed like first choice relatively that conditions. Therefore, price is a common determinant mainly designed for customers, who are price responsive. At present, the majority online corporations have observed the requirement to build prices like flexible as far as they are capable. Companies perform this, with planning plus pricing manufactured goods by means of modification, auctioning, advertisings etc., within a system that corresponds customers require/wish plus in consequence provide consumers prospect to create first choice. These really provide their trade a importance. If the data of goods retailed are extremely rotated to customers concentration, in that case, there is a great deal of pricing flexibility (Shapiro et al., 1999). Behavioural plus Advantage Segmentation At the same time as demographic, geographic and psychographic variables give corresponding depends used for the segmentation of the Internet clients, behavioural variables concentrates going on how to describe the clients concentration plus mail the clients the right letter (Ruiz Lassala, 2006). Hassan, Craft Kortam (2003) deliberates behavioural characteristic segmentation like a non-usual segmentation method, because it categorizes customers depend ahead customers buying performance. Intended for the Internet segmentation these variables be able to present information taking place, such as, rate of recurrence of online entrance; shopping performance; stage of cooperativity; plus outline of data look for going on the website as well as another website (Ruiz Lassala, 2006). Segmentation of buying performance is capable of moreover contain the scope of management of a manufactured goods, reliability performance with management circumstances (Solomon, Bamossy Askegaard, 1999). Advantage segmentation is directly associated by way of behavioural segmentation, giving constructive data taking place the advantages a consumer waits for to obtain from making use of the manufactured goods (Solomon, Bamossy Askegaard, 1999; Vyncke, 2002). These advantages are observed to guide a clients activities. Researchers have the same opinion with the purpose of advantage segmentation gives a precious view keen on the thoughts of the customer (Bhatnagar Ghose, 2004). In the same way, Wu (2001) asserts that advantages required is a useful segmentation variable, while customer first choices intended for the advantages be capable of determined used for one or a few online Effect of Online Shopping on the Consumer Effect of Online Shopping on the Consumer Abstract The revolution in information technology (IT) and communications has changed the way people do the shopping today. In recent years, increasing online shopping have been using the Internet and other electronic media for their shopping and people are diverted from offline to online. This research paper is based on the how does online shopping change consumer buying behaviour. Specially buying books through the internet. The main aim of this study was to examine if there are any particular factors that influence the online consumer buying behaviour. Primary information was collected from the London School of Commerce students survey because the students usually buy books from online or normal shop. Price, Trust and Convenience were were recognized as significant factors. For the maximum students price is the main vital issue. Moreover, three sectors were recognized, I) High Spenders, II) Price Easers, and III) Bargain Seekers. In the course of these sectors we found a variation of the different factors significance and recognized propositions for online book shops. Keywords: Online Shopping, Consumer, Online Books, amd Buying Behaviour. Acknowledgements Being a part of the academic community is most special. As a master student at the London School of Commerce (LSC), University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (UWIC), the author has felt privileged and grateful. The author would like to therefore take this opportunity to express his gratitude to the many people (although it is impossible to list by name all) who have contributed to the completion of this dissertation. Firstly the author is highly indebted to Tom Reeves (London School of Commerce, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff) and wish to express his heart felt gratitude for his encouragement and approval of the above topic as a researchable topic. His constructive criticisms, comments and guidance are perhaps the secret behind the standard of this paper. Millions of thanks go to Students of London School of Commerce who helped me to survey the offline questionnaires around the Institute of London School of Commerce. Special appreciation goes to all the staff and tutors of the London School of Commerce, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff. Especially, Dr. Rajendra Kumar, Dr. Peter McGee, Michael Nieto, Prof. Geoffrey Lancaster, Mervyn Sookun, Ms. Ellie Semsar and Paul Reynolds for your encouragement, inspiration and innovative ideas impacted on me during and after the coursework the author says a big thank you. Finally my father, mother and my family members receive my deepest love and gratitude for their dedication and support for these years. However, the current author would like to make a declaration that this study is an addition to extant literature and was the main contributor of the overall paper. Whenever other peoples work is referred to, they are duly acknowledged. Therefore the author is solely responsible for any error and misrepresentation of facts. Shermim Akter Lucky Chapter One: Introduction 1.1 Background of the Research The development of online has formed a hypothesis transfer of the usual system persons buying. A customer is no longer bound for opening periods or particular places; he is able to turn into dynamic by online whichever moment plus every position as well as buy products or facilities. Online is a comparatively latest means for contact as well as data swap, which has turned into present within our daily existence. Expansion into e-commerce potential is far-reaching through the international world as well as trade has completely been transformed exactly to these online improvements. Separately as of this viewpoint of its outcome, it as well spreads its effectiveness/ influence on other characteristic of human performance, which generate prospect intended for further improvement as well as regeneration. Khosrow Pour (2006), describes that, e-commerce (EC) ground is a varied one, connecting a lot of performance, business components, plus technologies, as well as it includes a structure of lots of substance between which is customer facilities. Peter Rucker (2002) in (Turban et al., 2004 plus 2006) describes e-commerce like a global sharing means intended for commodities, facility as well as astonishingly intended for administrative plus specialized work. Is intensely varying money matters, he described, marketplaces plus manufacturing configuration, products plus facilities as well as their runs ; customer segmentation, customer importances plus purchaser activities. Moreover lots of reviewers described electronic commerce like the entire automatically intervened operation among an association plus any third party it transactions through (Chaffey, 2004, Pg. 7). Turban et al., (2006) within his more description, alleged e-commerce is able to be noticed as of the viewpoint of contact, facility, business education and so on. We are able to monitor that the entire the explanations heats along to the similar viewpoint of what electronic commerce is regarding. E-commerce the same as we require to identify is a broadly considered matter. It includes a lot of features which contain; Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C), Consumer to Business (C2B) etc., however present research is intended for focusing its highlighting happening Business to Consumer. Business to Consumer (B2C) is the mainly increasing one where corporations execute trade by means of customers in the Internet. A main achievement issue of Business to Consumer is locating what customers wish within words of facility, superiority, as well as cost (Turban et al., 2008). Online shopping is the method customers attempt in the course of while they choose shopping taking place online. As a result, online has improved to a very reasonable marketplace, where the rivalry more than the customer is violent. With the purpose of include an effect taking place as well as maintain customers, within a reasonable marketplace, Constantinides (2004) declared that the initial movement is recognizing particular affecting characteristics while buying in the Internet, these are able to be considered as issues. The objective of this research is to build up plus operate a form describing as well as guess implementation of the Internet customer look for plus buying performances depend taking place a combination of effectiveness maximization hypothesis plus customer acceptance assumption that deliberates inspirations (distinguished improvement) developed from the Internet search / buy as well as prices connected by the Internet search / buy. 1.2 Rationale of the Research The purpose of the research is mainly recognizing with acquire close by into what key issues the Internet customer gets into consideration while buying books in the Internet, since books are the most usually purchased product in online (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Online-Forschung e.V. [AGOF e.V.], 2007). Moreover, in this research will examine if any divisions are able to be recognized with recognizing the customers and how these divisions communicate to the recognized issues. The findings of the present study will be summarized as suggestions for the Internet book sellers with the purpose of improve their customer information as well as build up their Internet marketing strategy efficiency. 1.3 Significance of the Research The business-to-consumer is the largely noticeable trade kind of e-commerce. Internet shopping permits corporations giving product data as well as straight transactions to their customers. With the intention of successfully make customers believing electronic commerce plus Internet dealings, readily available an vital require recognizing the issues which effect customer behaviour on the way to carry on consume of Internet dealings. The benefits of Internet shopping dealings are renowned. The largest part general motivations designed for customers shopping in the Internet are convenience, wider choices, reasonable costing, as well as bigger entrance to data. Conversely, Internet transactions quantity even now stays on comparatively small evaluated to alternative transaction types. Many earlier studies have illustrated that apparent causes contain protection plus confidentiality matters, be short of awareness by the medium, as well as the appropriateness of products to be retailed. In reality within the B2C e-commerce, a customer has the twice function of the product buyer plus information technology (website) client. To the shopper within electronic commerce, the website technique is a complete demonstration of the shopping. Such as, a number of well-known Internet purchasing websites (eBay, Amazon etc.) greatly based on information technology (IT) within their trade approaches. Within the majority usual corporations, were brick and mortor trades are performed customers accomplish operations through face-to-face, telephone, report administrators, persons etc. On the contrary, nowadays trade everywhere the planet is at present worldwide, the purchaser boundary within electronic surroundings is display-to-face communication method which insists a machine denotes of Personal Computer depend screens, ATM devices, personal Laptops and many more electronic tools to talk about some. As a result, online is the only communication systems among the company and the clients, therefore it situates huge liability taking place the company to acquire as well as characterize the consumers knowledge, for the reason that there is frequently no opportunity intended for straight individual involvement for the period of meeting. Thus it provides a path in support of a enquiry, which is; Does this line provide like a certain path to disclose costs which be able to also influence c ustomers as well as finish buy with no trouble? Furthermore, how do these corporations which are ease within cost (modified/make specially, perform auctions, trades advertising) Internet vary from corporations which provide steady/permanent pricing systems? 1.4 Aims Objectives To identify the suitable cause that drive consumer to purchase books online; To give a organized and complete evaluation of online consumer buying behaviour; To analysis the exact reasons and charges have on books search and purchase decisions between Internet shoppers global; To suggest an integrated outline that improves our understanding of the fundamental motivating issues of online book consumer behaviour; To give directions used for future investigate in online consumer buying behaviour area. 1.5 Purpose and Research Questions The purpose of this research is to describe how online shopping manipulates consumer buying behaviour for buying books online. There are lots of matters related to this srudy question; however we will simply focus on buying books online. The study problems we plan to answer are: What key issues influence the Internet consumer while considering and creation for buying through the Internet? How do these issues manipulate the consumer when buyinging books in the Internet? What type of parts can be found in the recognized consumers when buying books in the Internet? What is the link by means of the recognized issues and consumer division groups? 1.6 Signposting of the Study Chapter One: Introduction In this chapter the background, rationale and significance of the research will be explained. There are also aims objectives, purpose research questions will be presented. Chapter Two: Related Literature This chapter provides relevant existing theories and models of online shopping and consumer buying behaviour as well as a model modified by the author. The working model builds upon the presented theories and is used as a foundation for the following analysis. Chapter Three: Research Methodology Strategy In this chapter, the research methodology strategy is presented. The research approach that has been adopted in order to answer the research questions and to meet the purpose is described and motivated. The research methods used in this work are as well described and discussed. Chapter Four: Data Analysis Result In this chapter the results of both the qualitative and quantitative research are presented. The results will follow the outline of the working model. Brief companies overviews are also presented. Chapter Five: Conclusion This chapter includes the conclusions of the research as well as reflections for recommendations, a discussion of the limitations and suggestions for further studies. Chapter Two: Related Literature Brief Narrative of E-Commerce While online developed into commercialised plus clients were gathering to take part within the World Wide Web (WWW) during the near beginning 1990s the word e- commerce was invented. E-commerce functions earliest expanded during the 1970s through modernization for example electronic finance shift. Afterwards the electronic data interchange (EDI) occured. The EDI expanded the band of taking part corporations since economic organization to producers, sellers, facilities, as well as other kind of trade (Turban et al., 2008). The cause to why it was executed was for the reason that it was an easy means to automatise buyings. Separately since with the intention of, it was a useful means to permit shops to connect their dealers to their collection record. This needs a costly confidential network link among the two business associates (Percival Straunik, 2001). Instructively, the development of e-commerce contains three cohorts. The initial cohort linked computers linked as well as records can be transmitted from one computer to a different computer. For the duration of the next cohort, the latest equipment as well as online prepared it achievable used for together corporations as well as customers buying taking place through the online. For the period of final cohort dissimilar value chains were associated to one another. Then business societies developed as well as reserves where mutual similar to the computer designed for preparation manufacture record (Fredholm, 2002). E- Commerce is a structure of the Internet trade connections which preserve be present during the entire means of purchasing plus retailing. The opportunity of electronic purchasing as well as retailing turned into a feasible alternative designed for more or less every company moreover e-commerce developed into general within commerce terms. Expected to this attractiveness lots of corporations started on the bandwagon with obviously presenting their facilities in the Internet; nearly all of the website to all intents and purposes gives information on the products they retailed (N. Bandyo Panhyay, 2002) Because the continuation of E-commerce developed big, its improvement ended to stay in the borders of purchasing as well as retailing of customer commodities. It has pushed leading administrators to rethink the means of a trade utilizes technology intended for improved achievement. Therefore, the www has problemed the denotation as well as importance of information plus technology which guided to an assessment of the connection among the two. Such as trade can discover it benefits to deal information like within the case of (N. Bandyo Panhyay, 2002). The beginning of e-commerce as well engages the exploit of inter technologies. This technology is applied to improve an infrastructure, whose outcome permits a corporation dividing its information sources by trade associates as well as customers together on a home as well as worldwide stage. Through these technologies corporations moreover present better facilities plus issue them getting reasonable benefit. To this outcome, the majority corporations at present as well as days observe the want reconsidering their objectives, re-originate trade system, and also set up latest methodologies in respect to prospects plus confronts within other to take part into e-commerce. Hoque (2000) inside (N. Bandyo Panhyay 2002) explained a corporations alteration during the online era like a developmentary means of four stages, which are brochureware, e-commerce, e-business, with ultimately e-enterprise. As said by Bandyo Panhyay, the brochureware period taking place during the midpoint of the 1990s while plenty of corporations bring in website which was no further than an electronic list. Since the past, a number of corporations have shifted up the range at the same time as a number of others continued fixed on the primary stage, simply like the organization of a functioning infrastructural makes the structure used for a corporations tour during this stage. He preceded more to describe e-commerce age like the commencement of the dotcom time with the B2C trade forms. This phase was noticeabled through the propagation of activate for example and which penetrated the Internet trade global retailing product plus facilities straight to customers, as well as a number of other corporations pursued match. On the other hand, it was a challenge to make a web existence plus formulate stipulation intended for value added facilities with the purpose of support, trade on the Internet, as well as continue a strong consumer base. Business Network, the manufacturing syndicate of corporations which apply, support plus construct e-commerce results in the online described e-commerce that the apply of online to change trade connections which walks off distant ahead of purchasing as well as retailing in the Internet. Within this meaning, information is capable of moreover be divided inside and transversely companies restrictions, latest connections are improved among trades plus over and above among trade plus consumers. Plenty of companies started to observe the prospective of the online used for B2B functions also this was what began the e-business age by means of a force in the direction of technological apply to make stronger central part trade systems. Now like lots of companies started to observe information like a most important trade source as well as regarded as its administration like one of the majority significant purposes. Moreover corporations realized to concentrate on information as well as awareness administration like a necessary factor of over the entire goals of their trades. Within expected route, improvement information with communications technology reserved rapidity during an endeavour to maintain this latest period. For the period of this phase, lots of corporations started to use the viewpoint of e-business constructing a trade form essential to maintain together B2B as well as B2C functions. Business Network named this phase the enterprise stage; where the online technologies are applied to carry out B2B trade performance essential to maintain their main proficiencies with giving the Internet consumer facilities which is characteristically of B2C e-commerce. Through the closing stages of twentieth century, lots of big corporations for example banks went into this age. Afterwards by means of improve during development of technology as well as trade form, swift changes within trade situatio n occured. For this reason, B2B corporations will more and more acclimatize their organization communications within the bricks and mortal system to accept a B2C form taking place one hand moreover B2C corporations will broadened their beliefs of customer focused form including B2B performance in contrast (N. Bandyo Panhyay 2002). Several Trade Forms of E-Commerce Since described before, e-commerce taking place the foundation of online is put to develop into a important means of performing trade, but latest array of electronic commerce nowadays are being guided into a lot of divisions of the business used for B2B, B2C as well as Business to Public Administration (B2P) (Paul Timmers 1998). Also, he described that a trade form is a structural design used for commodities, facilities plus information flows, together with an explanation of the different areas, prospective advantages of different trade areas plus income resources. Since the watchings of online trades, information with technology facilitates a broad series of trade forms, technology gives no direction intended for choosing latest forms other than its improvement be capable of guide to characterization of latest forms, as a result the ability of circumstances of the skill technology rise like a decisive factor to form choice. Enlisted plus described under, are several trade forms expr essed via Paul Timmers (1998). E Shops E Shops are observed like a web advertising surroundings used for corporation by the use of online. Within the majority situations, this is prepared to support the corporation, its commodities plus facilities provided through the corporation. Further to corporations performance, there is prospect to entrance manufactured goods, costs, command plus disburse. Within this logic, there will be growth necessitates, a small price way to worldwide existence, furthermore price discount during promotions with auctions. As a result, customers preserve advantage decrease /different costs evaluate to usual deal. Because of this reality, there will be broader preference, cluster of information plus ease of choosing /optimizing cost. Also, purchasing as well as shipping together with 24/7 facilities is prepared obtainable. Within the majority situations retailers income are from cut down price of manufactured goods, enhance deals plus marketing, consequently for this reason there is require intended for costs to be flexible so transactions be able to be boosted. Cases of corporations which manage e-shops are; ebay, Amazon etc. Third Party Market This mould is appropriate while corporations desire to put down the network advertising to a 3rd party market. Within this situation, they recommend a customer interface to the providers manufactured goods list where they include attributes similar to; brand name, cost, payment, logistics, instructing as well as especially the complete range of protected business deal. Every customer who desires to buy manufactured goods at a third party market will have right of entry to complete information starting the primary retailer. A case of third market supplier is Fedex who delivers desirable quality orders plus lots of things. Virtual Society Virtual Society corporations usually offer surroundings where associates who are customers include their data after making buys. This data provides like the final importance of virtual socities corporations. Instructively, these corporations are able to be attached to another marketing operator with the purpose of construct consumer reliability, reactions as well as criticism (Hagel et al., 1997). Amazon is a case of a virtual corporation who transactions going on books as well as other goods throughout the online. Latest facilities plus opportunities of other trade forms such as electronic malls, partnership stage and so on are consequences of further roles of virtual corporations. Value Chain Facility Supplier This form focuses on particular roles used for the value chain for example electronic payments. Banks, such as include put themselves within this form quiet previously. Moreover, latest approaches are rising within manufacture / reserve organization where by, intermediaries suggests concentrated plus fin tuned manufacture to corporations. A model of value chain facility supplier is UPS ( E Auctions Electronic auction is not only observed like a form other than is furthermore observed like a costing system within active costing method. It presents an execution of bidding system. E Auctions are capable of came with through multimedia appearance of manufactured goods plus costs. Mainly frequently, they are confidential to this particular conclusiveness which as well contains combination of the bidding system through dealing payment plus shippment. Thus it provides enormous advantage to equally dealer plus purchasers with reduction time as well as price perhaps, intended for shipping in anticipation of the transaction has been well-known. Customer observe it like way formulating buy, for the reason that separately from the period it accumulates it them provides a chance to set out used for the manufactured goods by the cost they be capable of manage to pay for. Business to Consumer (B2C) E-commerce Business to consumer e-commerce (B2C) among other types of e-commerce is the majority growing one all over the place companies implement business through consumer with the assist of online. However a little feature of business to business (B2B) is demotes to altercation among business plus customers. Cases of corporations which manage their trade through this type of Business to Consumer (B2C) e-commerce are; eBay, Amazon etc. Within this characteristic of e-commerce, the entire transactions performances, customer hunt, frequently ask questions (FAQ) are normally pursued in the Internet (Jeffrey et al., 2001). Lots of corporations have been capable making bigger their trades within an effective means in online, although several in point of fact have vanished keen on economic failure. Within another expression, B2C EC can furthermore be described like the idea of selling plus e-tailing, which involves transactions of commodities with facilities to particular customers in the Internet. Online, corporations attempt policies to flexible costing system which may possibly be applied within arriveing at customers, huge amounts to be accurate. As a result, one of these systems is index transactions which since the past are one of the matured ways exercised via corporations to perform transactions. Index transactions modified to customer recommend customers assistance since the confine of room plus period, as well it at no cost sellers, beginning the require of material shops by which they be capable of allocate goods. Selling carried out through online is entitled electronic retailing (e-tailing) which be able to be performed by way of auctions. It formulates it simpler in support of producers to trade straight to customers elimination intermediary. For instance corporations suppose Amazon, ebay, Abebooks, wal-mart etc. are keen on straight to customer online trade (Turban el at. 2008). These online corporations apply various systems to tell information of goods to customers plus these systems improves how adaptable they are within costs between other items. Furthermore, the central part information of these corporations communicates particularly to trade deals, such as information connected to combine of manufactured goods plus costs wished via customers. Therefore, this integrative information provides like a connection among sellers and customers. The information of goods that are retailed to customer does not merely improve buyings it as well provide corporations a concept of customer purchasing tendency. Through the concept corporations will aim for additional/improved business moreover consequently develop rising the goods plus costs are executed. Within other to profit from taking place the prospective of the online, active bricks plus mortal moreover index letters command corporations require to change their integrative information by their execution of costs on manufactured goods plus the whole corporation administration altogether. Past history used for B2C achievement investigated through earlier period researches highlight biased customers at every movement of their communication by way of EC. Suitable entrance to information within the method of buying is recommended within the sharp stage of Simons choice formulating form (Butler and Peppard 1998). While customers discover Internet shopping to be suitable, period well-organized plus cost discount consumers will be pleased by means of the common usefulness plus good organization of online buying means. Now when consumers will discover buying knowledge flattering if Internet sellers are reactive to costs separation, assessment, anxious plus dependable for the period of shopping system plus consequent relations among consumers (Paul et al., 2000). Pricing Matters Pricing matters during buyings is a reason, which has not to be taken too lightly; a number of studies put down additional importance happening another issue, which improves buyings with provide small or no concentration to pricing. The involvement of manufactured goods information carries a great deal of characteristic factor basis going on the particular customer. Within another word, it based on what the customer observes like significant concerning the data of manufactured goods that provides a primary desirability for shopping. After that, the value is one more feature to control or provide like a first choice, relatively bring about the customer to buy. Consistent with Morris and Paul (2000) within their study, they described about price, which is a factor of purchasing choice, which cannot be neglecting. They extended more describing with the purpose of a factor is positioned additional significant than price during creation buyings choice, afterwards it worth is measured to b e a prerequisite used for buying, except if the factor is positioned not as much of significant than price, at that time suitable array be capable of observed like first choice relatively that conditions. Therefore, price is a common determinant mainly designed for customers, who are price responsive. At present, the majority online corporations have observed the requirement to build prices like flexible as far as they are capable. Companies perform this, with planning plus pricing manufactured goods by means of modification, auctioning, advertisings etc., within a system that corresponds customers require/wish plus in consequence provide consumers prospect to create first choice. These really provide their trade a importance. If the data of goods retailed are extremely rotated to customers concentration, in that case, there is a great deal of pricing flexibility (Shapiro et al., 1999). Behavioural plus Advantage Segmentation At the same time as demographic, geographic and psychographic variables give corresponding depends used for the segmentation of the Internet clients, behavioural variables concentrates going on how to describe the clients concentration plus mail the clients the right letter (Ruiz Lassala, 2006). Hassan, Craft Kortam (2003) deliberates behavioural characteristic segmentation like a non-usual segmentation method, because it categorizes customers depend ahead customers buying performance. Intended for the Internet segmentation these variables be able to present information taking place, such as, rate of recurrence of online entrance; shopping performance; stage of cooperativity; plus outline of data look for going on the website as well as another website (Ruiz Lassala, 2006). Segmentation of buying performance is capable of moreover contain the scope of management of a manufactured goods, reliability performance with management circumstances (Solomon, Bamossy Askegaard, 1999). Advantage segmentation is directly associated by way of behavioural segmentation, giving constructive data taking place the advantages a consumer waits for to obtain from making use of the manufactured goods (Solomon, Bamossy Askegaard, 1999; Vyncke, 2002). These advantages are observed to guide a clients activities. Researchers have the same opinion with the purpose of advantage segmentation gives a precious view keen on the thoughts of the customer (Bhatnagar Ghose, 2004). In the same way, Wu (2001) asserts that advantages required is a useful segmentation variable, while customer first choices intended for the advantages be capable of determined used for one or a few online

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Comparing Ulysses by Lord Tennyson and My Last Duchess by Robert Essay

Comparing Ulysses by Lord Tennyson and My Last Duchess by Robert Browning. â€Å"Ulysses† was written by Lord Tennyson and is a poem about a mythical Greek character and is a dramatic monologue. Another poem that is a dramatic monologue is â€Å"My Last Duchess†, by Robert Browning. Both poems are similar, for example they are both structured similarly, and are both different, one difference being their subject. In this essay I will compare the two poems, focusing on form, and how language helps to build up subject matter. Ulysses is a Greek mythical character, and was famous for being a pirate, ransacking villages and being a warrior. In Greek literature, Ulysses just seemed to disappear after he got home, and Tennyson decided to write about Ulysses and his thoughts after ‘retiring’ from fighting. The poem is written in verse, and seems to be either a dramatic monologue or monologue interior. It is hard to know which one, as a dramatic monologue must have a listener (other than the audience. Ulysses is talking to someone, his dead soldiers, but as they are deceased it is difficult to decide if they count as a listener to the poem. â€Å"My Last Duchess† by Robert Browning was written in the same era as â€Å"Ulysses† and is written in Verse. This poem is different to â€Å"Ulysses† as this poem is about a fictional character which is created by Browning. This is a Dramatic Monologue, as the duke (the character created by Browning) is talking to the servant of the father of a possible bride. To create the effect of speech, Browning uses Iambic Pentameter, which helps to imitate the rhythm of conversational speech, and enjambment frequently. The use of language to present the subject matter is important for both poets. I... displeasure from his wife and why, almost acting as a warning to his next wife. So a poem about the â€Å"Last Duchess† is actually a poem about the Duke’s likes and dislikes, which again helps to subtly build up the self centred nature of the character without revealing too much and loosing the readers’ interest. Both poems are similar and different in many different ways. The most obvious similarity to both poems is their form, but if we look deeper into the poem we see that their content and their characters are very similar. However, some differences still remain in the poem. The main subject matter for both poems is death, but the two poems have different feelings towards death. For the Duke, it is something ordered and controlled by him, but for Ulysses, even though he has encountered death within his life so much he cannot accept that he will die.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Brothers and Sister Maude Comparison

Brothers and Sister Maude comparison Matthew Davis Comparison between the range of emotions felt by the speaker in ‘Sister Maude’ and ‘Brothers’. In Both ‘Sister Maude’ and ‘Brother’ a range of language devices are used in order to portray the different emotions and the varied relationships the poem focus on. Both poems use structural elements in order to portray a certain effect on the reader and to make them feel certain emotions just based on the way the poems are structured.In ‘Sister Maude’ the enjambment between each of the lines emphasises the jealousy of ‘Maude’ herself and the continuation of the jealousy she undergoes for her sisters lover. The Rhyme scheme could also symbolise the continuation of the poem as the scheme is in a ‘A,B,C,B’ formation throughout each stanza continuing the jealousy of Maude. In ‘Brothers’ the use of enjambment is still apparent throughout the poem.In the first stanza we see the possibly the main use of enjambment to show the continuation of the Brothers to the bus stop and therefore show the continuation of the relationship, However the enjambment is broke further on in the poem with the use of a full stop; ’Bus fare. ’ The break of the enjambment here is viewed significantly as the continuation has stopped along with the boy who ‘froze’ and realised he had forgot his bus fare. However the enjambment used in ‘Brothers’ makes it appear as a ‘story’ and the breaking of the enjambment acts as the breaking of the continuation of a book when everything stops flowing properly.The Symbolism in both poems various significantly due to the different relationships in each poem and the different emotions the reader feels. In ‘Sister Maude’ the symbolism is based around the jealousy portrayed from Maude about her sisters’ lover who she kills. The shock of this i s portrayed as we find Maude’s sister in disbelief; ‘cold he lies, as cold as stone’. This disbelief of the incident is repeated throughout the poem to portray its traumatism caused to the woman. This relationship is a juxtaposition to he average relationship as the only reason they have a relationship is because they have to as their sisters as much as they would like to part, they cant. However ‘Brother’ has a much more simpler meaning towards the reader as it is the emotion felt by the younger brother as his older brother has left him while the younger brother went back to get some bus fare. The brother cowardly says to his younger brother ‘you should go and ask mum’ for the bus fare as the brother does not want to confront him.The older brother thinks he is old enough and mature enough to take his younger brother out and be trusted; this turns out to be a complete juxtaposition to the reality and juxtaposition to the title as true br other are not ones that leave you for a ‘joke’. Guilt is a theme that occurs in both poems as the individual feels remorseful for what they’ve done. In ‘Sister Maude’ the guilt is quite an obvious one; the guilt of Maude killing her sisters lover out of jealousy. The hatred of Maude’s sister is emphasised particularly in the last two stanzas and most effectively in the last line; ‘Bide you with death and sin. Even at the end of the poem Maudes sister has not forgiven her and has no future plans of doing so due to the full stop appearance at the end. This really cuts off the poem and the relationship between Maude and her sister as a sister relationship is thought to be a loving and caring one which completely juxtaposes the entirety of the poem. The guilt in ‘Brothers’ is an obvious one too although not much is said about the guilt the older brother feels a sense of guilt for leaving his younger brother thinking it was †˜funny’ and thinking he was mature enough to take care of his little brother.At first they have a close, unconditional love relationship; ‘saddled with you’. However this changed after the younger brother went home to get his bus fare off his mom as he ‘windmilled home’. This shows he was possibly skipping home and generally enjoying the company of his brother instead of his mom. The breakage of this happiness soon falls as he realises the bus has gone along with his older Brother as he ‘ran on, unable to close the distance I’d set in motion’. He was really ager to be with his brother and catch the bus but his brother went off without him; the relationship therefore breaking and the guilt feeling showing in his older brother. The relationship within both poems varies throughout the poem as sometime there is a strong relationship but at other times; not so strong. In ‘Sister Maude’ the relationship at first was a stro ng one due to the fact they were sisters and you have unconditional love for sisters however as the poem continued the relationship came to a halt as Maude’s sister found her lover dead.The hatred then for her sister broke the relationship. We learn a lot from Maude, the main thing we learn is the spitefulness of her as she didn’t really think how it would affect her sister; she just thought how it would affect her as she can no longer be jealous of someone that’s dead. ‘Lurked to spy and peer’ shows how ‘perverted’ she was towards her sister’s lover and how she wanted to take her away from her sister. In the end she didn’t only take him away from her sister but took him away from her herself; the man she wanted all along.In ‘Brothers’ the relationship is an unconditional one due to the Brotherly relationship. Even though the older Brother betrayed his younger brother there will be a small break in the relatio nship but one that can be easily fixed as Brother have unconditional love for one another no matter what the circumstances are. The story like structure really portrays this as with all stories there’s always a happy ending. Although there is no sign of a happy ending the as the relationship is dented there is still unconditional love for one another that will never change.The imagery portrayed in both poems are pretty significant as they sum up what the reader is thinking and enable the reader to feel the emotion they are feeling. In ‘Sister Maude’ the imagery of the ‘clotted’ suggests a violent side to Maude and could be the way in which she killed him. The reader associates ‘clotted’ with physical violence to produce blood and to wound the skin of the man. Towards the end of the poem the imagery portrayed is hatefulness towards Maude as the sister is coming to terms with what she has done and is imply wanting her sister to die and to be sinned for all her life. This summarises the ‘future’ for Maude but however much hatred there is they’re still siblings and have to have a certain extent of love for each other. In ‘Brothers’ the first word; ‘saddled’ provides imagery towards the reader as ‘saddled’ could possibly mean he has been burdened and could suggest negative feelings for the speaker and for his brother as he views his brother as an inconvenience and is restricting the freedom of the speaker.The word ‘Spouting’ also portrays how he views his brother as he thinks of his brother to be perhaps energetic and childish therefore making the older brother think he can take responsibility of him when in actual fact he can’t. In both poems the way it is written and the language used internally for the poem is what makes the poem what it is and what makes the reader feel the emotion the reader feels.