Saturday, December 28, 2019

Essay Internet v. Print - 732 Words

Comparing and Contrasting the Internet to Print The differences between the Internet and Print Journalism are clear immediately upon glancing at either of the two. However, to truly understand the differences you must study each carefully. I will briefly explore the differences between Newsweek and its printed counterpart, and Entrepreneur magazine vs. These magazines are very different in content and supply good examples of different features that exist in a technological vs. a print environment. I will compare the differences between the two in three areas; 1.Content 2. Advertising and 3. Useablity. Content If you were to put any print magazine next to your computer monitor you would immediately notice a†¦show more content†¦Whenever you have lots of colors or graphics your page will not load quickly. This means that what works in print will not work for their e- magazine. They have to rely on good spot graphics and headlines to attract attention. They do not do this very effectively. From looking at their web site you will see that they have had a hard time crossing over from print to the Internet. Advertising Advertising is essential in both print and web business because it is a main source of income to any multi-media company. Newsweek sells pages and pages of ads in their magazine. These are well done color ads which are designed to attract the attention of the reader as they flip through the magazine. On the Internet site Newsweek chooses to place banner ads in the middle of the text page (bad placement). The difference is that advertising on the Internet is much more personable. Thanks to little mechanisms called quot;cookiesquot; the ads you see on the Internet site become personalized. These cookies tell a database sites to which you have previously logged on. In a fraction of a second you receive personal advertising that you never would have seen in a print ad. Entrepreneur does the same thing. You are receiving advertising that fits your wants and needs and all at a fraction of the cost to advertisers (who generally pay about 1 cent per hit). This is an advertisers dream and is a noticeable difference between the two forms of media. UseablityShow MoreRelatedSocial Media and the Law1571 Words   |  7 Pagesbeen no exception. The rapid pace and wide-spread accessibility of the internet and social media has caused a vacuum for laws pertaining to the subject and a need for laws and cases to define what the First Amendment means for these sites. Ideas for the internet started as early as the Cold War. The dormant war created a need for technological advances and led to the idea of a â€Å"Galactic Network† (Brief History of the Internet). From those ideas, computer leaders joined together and created ARPANETRead MoreThe Internet Addiction Disorder1152 Words   |  5 Pagesincreasing problem streaming throughout the global society today is IAD or Internet Addiction Disorder. 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Print a copy for yourRead MoreEncyclopedia Britannica: Marketing Analysis-Term Case Report Essay1267 Words   |  6 PagesEncyclopedia Britannica: Marketing Analysis-Term Case Report Table of Contents I. Executive Summary II. History of the Company’s digital/internet era III. Competition IV. Analysis V. Recommendations I. Executive Summary: Encyclopedia Britannica is one of the oldest, well known brands in the world. The Encyclopedia Britannica was first published in 1768. Encyclopedia Britannica was the leader in the Encyclopedia industry for over 200 years and established a strongRead MoreWindows Server Deployment Proposal : Application And Deployment Of Servers1040 Words   |  5 PagesNew Server Manager. This new interface introduces the capability to create server groups. Creating server groups allows you to manage tasks among each server with the same characteristics such as a database server group. B. Hyper-V Virtualization. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The Branch Of Biology An Example Of Multinational Influence

T.S. Eliot wrote in Notes towards the Definition of Culture that â€Å"no one nation, no one language, would have achieved what it has, if the same art had not been cultivated in neighboring countries and in different languages† (Eliot 1). In other words, art is a construction of different influences from a variety of nations. It flourishes today because those influences bring forward new elements that art can assimilate. In Eliot’s case, those elements evolved over vocabulary and rhythm of the English language. The diversity of influences endow spontaneity into art, refining its nature. Art such as the science of biology is an example of multinational influence. Biology helps humans understand themselves and the life surrounding them. As a†¦show more content†¦During that early era, Erwin Chargaff, a chemist from Austria-Hungary, contributed to the knowledge of DNA by establishing the rules of nitrogen base pairs. DNA holds nitrogen bases that bind with each o ther in a specific way. For example, two bases called adenine and thymine connect only with each other. The other two bases are guanine and cytosine, and they too bind only with each other. This base pair rule led scientists to believe that DNA had a helical structure, which was successfully reported by two biologists, James Watson and Francis Crick. Respectively, the scientists grew up in the U.S. and United Kingdom, and together, they created a lab report that credited them with the discovery and identification of DNA in 1953. Two men from different origins assisted each other to research DNA. Their work was significant to clarify the knowledge of biology, but it could not have been achieved without the discoveries made by preceding scientists. It is human nature for people to learn from each other’s work and achievements, regardless of their origin. Studying the success of others helps people uncover new knowledge, making them successful too. In terms of DNA research, scie ntists from different countries examined each other’s accomplishments, and one-by-one, they produced new information, bringing new light to biology. It took a great amount of work from different

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Harms of Gold Mining free essay sample

Firstly, gold inning can has devastating effect on water because of leaked chemicals. Cyanide and some heavy metals are used in process of gold mining. If gold mine leaks cyanide or other heavy metals, these chemicals can react with water and produce acidic water. Fishes and water plants are can get damaged owing to this acidic water. Nicholas asserted In Dirty Gold The toxic bullet had been a cyanide spill from a gold mine In Ball Mare, northern Romania. It has left a legacy of dead rivers and polluted lands as a cruel (n. D. . Therefore leak risk of a gold mine must be at least level for the continuation of the life circle around mine. Secondly, earth life is affected seriously from gold mining. Gold minings first effect on earth is deforestation. Some forests which exist on valuable area in terms of gold are destructed to construct gold mine. We will write a custom essay sample on Harms of Gold Mining or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page World Rainforests Movement Report emphasized that for biodiversity and big area of comparatively untroubled forests, mining is a main menace (n. D. ). Moreover most of gold mines dump its wastes to soil.After plants take mercury and other heavy metals room these wastes, these heavy metals damage all of food chain. According to No Dirty Gold people and animals get sick for generations due to byproduct as mercury and heavy metals coming from mine wastes (n. D. ). Finally, gold mining pollutes alarm owing to dust and vaporized chemicals. Actually dust Is a significant problem for all kind of subsoil mining. Process of ore acquires and transport creates a big dust trouble. Although a part of these problems solved with technological development, still gold mining produces a great deal of dust.Borrowers states that for people living close a gold mine after liquid waste dried in atmosphere, it can causes dust problem (2003). Also gold mining can pollutes the air with vaporized chemicals. Smelting is one of most important process of gold mining. During smelting process nitrogen and sulfur may react with chemicals which have been in air. After this reaction nitrogen and sulfur mixes into the air. People and animals can take these harmful chemicals to their lung with breathing. After these chemicals get into the lungs people or animals have poisoning risk.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Managerial Accounting Payback In Investment Appraisal

Question: You are requested to continue your academic research on a the same topic presentation (that you have presented during the lecture). The research must at least cover the following: 1. Select the research paper from one of the accounting journals. 2. Summarize the article with related learning outcomes. 3. Articulate the accounting keywords with related explanations. 3. Emphasize a theoretical discussion around the mentioned topic. 4. Propose your own small/medium company with related activity, figures, costing elements ( A separate excel filed will be created to allow you uploading numeric examples with formulas) to better value the problem. 5. Interpret / Debate the outcomes in the UAE if possible. Answer: Summary of the article The authors in the article Management Accounting Systems Support Start-up Business Growth have illustrated the subset of Management control system which is a Management Accounting system. The system specifically includes the package of system incorporating cultural control, administrative control, cybernetic control, rewards and compensation [1]. The system incorporates mission and vision strategy, plans and key success factors, key performance measures, performance targets, organizational structure, performance evaluation, group and organizational levels, penalties for mixed performance targets. In non financial rewards evidence support. The association between the sustainable growth of the organization of Business and the presence of Management control system in order to successfully meet the changes in strategies and evaluation in structure. The strategic alliance with managerial accounting system is required which helps in getting control and planning for supporting an effective internal business in the market. This plan would help in enhancing the performance, profitability, and sustainability of the organization in the future, the study enables in understanding the importance of the managerial accounting tools in the entrepreneur businesses without providing information analysis about the performance of the existing services and products. The authors also believe that in order to evaluate the performance of e-business in the market it is important to use variance analysis research of the contributing margin statements. A flexible budget believe to be a volume adjusted column that allows the variance calculation that separates the effect of the purchasing costs and selling prices from the purchase qualities and sales volume of the organization. The different financial strategies would be enabling the managers of an organization to be able to make improvements in order to prevent failures from increasing costs and thus, forfeiting the sales in the future thereby damaging its reputation in the market. Figure 1: Relationship among variances Source: (Lee and Spencer, 2013) Accounting keyword with related explanations Profit planning Profit planning is the most important aspect of operational strategy and its role is to provide a profit planning by translating them in the future financial performance targets of the organization [2]. The internal business processes involved in the working of the operations in the business processes of the organization can be assessed and improved through integration, coordination and optimization. The primary requirements for driving strong sales are through the provision of exemplary service and support. Performance measurement In order to ensure the organization to meet its profit plan, it requires developing effective performance measures to directly linking with the operating activities and the various line items in the business strategy [3]. The financial performance can be evaluated by using the accounting ratios from the information related to the financial statements. Financial performance The financial performance can be measured with the measures such as the Return on Equity (ROE), Return on Investment (ROI), Net Present Value (NPV), break even analysis, payback analysis and feasibility analysis [4]. The financial performance of an organization is derived from the sales to customers resulting from the success of other perspective including the internal business processes with learning and growth [5]. The customer satisfaction is created for the temporary service and support such that the company value comes from the process cost reductions. The training of the employees in respective of the financial performance of the organization definitely relate to the improvement of the internal business process development centre and customer satisfaction. Theoretical discussion NPV The Net Present Value or NPV is the term which signifies the difference between the present value of the cash outflows and the same of the cash inflows [6]. It is used to measure the profitability of the project being undertaken by a particular organization Break even analysis Break even analysis is the analysis which helps in determining the punt of revenue at which the revenue becomes equal to the costs associated with the project [7]. Payback period It signifies the amount of time required for the investment made by a particular company to recover the initial outlay in terms of the savings or profits [8]. Feasibility analysis It is the evaluation of the project being undertaken to be feasible for the implementation in the future [9]. Enoc group with related activity, figures, and costing elements Enoc Group is a retail store which is a leader in the UAE. The company expertise in bakery, automotive services, as well as registration and testing the facilities across the Middle East. The success of the retail business segment is led by the implementation of its unique business strategy which prioritizes the needs and offerings of the customers in a diverse business objective [10]. With the advancement of the latest technology, the company has decided to design and implement an e-commerce website such that to incorporate the details of its products and services and the payment scheme for its customers in order to attract more of them on a global platform. Costs and benefits Tangible Benefits Category USD Initiating Dealership $ 63,000.00 Enhanced sales $ 120,000.00 Increased payroll $ 56,000.00 Enhanced sponsorship $ 25,000.00 Funds from sponsors $ 39,000.00 Increment in market share $ 150,000.00 Enhancement of accessibility $ 30,000.00 Reducing processing error $ 25,000.00 Total Tangible Benefits $ 508,000.00 Tangible One-Time Costs Category USD Preparation of site $ 40,000.00 Buying website domain $ 25,500.00 Website Development costs $ 80,000.00 Software requirements $ 40,000.00 Hardware requirements $ 55,000.00 Installation costs $ 11,500.00 Payment of employees $ 14,000.00 Employee training $ 8,000.00 Sponsor fees $ 16,000.00 Total Tangible On-Time Costs $ 290,000.00 Tangible Recurring Costs Category USD Staff resource usage $ 30,000.00 Website maintenance cost $ 50,000.00 IT support $ 40,000.00 Total Tangible Recurring Costs $ 120,000.00 Total Tangible Costs $ 410,000.00 Table 1: Cost and Benefit analysis for the website development of Enoc Group Source: Created by author Break down cost Costs of Proposed System Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Preparation of site $ 2,500.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - Buying website domain $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Website Development costs $ 500.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - Software requirements $ 1,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Hardware requirements $ 700.00 $ 200.00 $ 300.00 $ 400.00 $ 500.00 Installation costs $ 600.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - Payment of employees $ 800.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 400.00 Employee training $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Sponsor fees $ 800.00 $ 800.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 400.00 Total Cost of Proposed website $ 7,400.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 2,900.00 $ 2,800.00 Table 2: Break down analysis for the website development of Enoc Group Source: Created by author Figure 1: Break down analysis for the website development of Enoc Group Source: Created by author Payback analysis Payback Analysis (ENOC Group- website development) Benefits of option Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Labor cost savings $ 20.00 $ 30.00 $ 45.00 $ 45.00 $ 60.00 Improved working $ 25.00 $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 45.00 $ 45.00 Improved savings $ 5.00 $ 10.00 $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 45.00 Total Benefits $ 50.00 $ 80.00 $ 100.00 $ 120.00 $ 150.00 Costs of option Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Preparation of site $ 120.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - Buying website domain $ 130.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - Website Development costs $ 120.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - Software requirements $ 5.00 $ 8.00 $ 9.00 $ 3.00 $ - Hardware requirements $ 10.00 $ 15.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 25.00 Installation costs $ 12.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - Payment of employees $ - $ 10.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 Employee training $ 10.00 $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ 20.00 $ 25.00 Sponsor fees $ - $ 10.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 Total Costs $ 407.00 $ 58.00 $ 56.00 $ 55.00 $ 62.00 Net benefits/costs $ (357.00) $ 22.00 $ 44.00 $ 65.00 $ 88.00 Cumulative benefits/costs $ (357.00) $ (357.00) $ (313.00) $ (248.00) $ (160.00) Break Even Period 2.313253012 Table 3: Payback analysis for the website development of Enoc Group Source: Created by author NPV analysis Cost Benefit Analysis using Present Value (ENOC Group) Benefits of option Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Labor cost savings $ 30.00 $ 55.00 $ 60.00 $ 65.00 $ 70.00 Improved working $ 20.00 $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 45.00 $ 45.00 Improved savings $ 5.00 $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ 20.00 $ 40.00 Total Benefits $ 55.00 $ 110.00 $ 115.00 $ 130.00 $ 155.00 Costs of option Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Additional costs $ 130.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - Development costs $ 5.00 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $ 3.00 $ - Maintenance costs $ 10.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 User time during implementation $ 10.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - Operations costs $ - $ 8.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 Total Costs $ 155.00 $ 36.00 $ 32.00 $ 27.00 $ 24.00 Net benefits/costs $ (100.00) $ 74.00 $ 83.00 $ 103.00 $ 131.00 Cumulative benefits/costs $ (100.00) $ (26.00) $ 57.00 $ 160.00 $ 291.00 Net benefits/cost (NPV @ 5%) $ (95.24) $ 67.12 $ 71.70 $ 84.74 $ 102.64 Cumulative NPV $ (95.24) $ (28.12) $ 43.58 $ 128.32 $ 230.96 Table 4: NPV analysis for the website development of Enoc Group Source: Created by author Figure 1: NPV analysis for the website development of Enoc Group Source: Created by author Feasibility analysis Economic Feasibility Analysis - Feasibility Analysis Project Cost Benefit Analysis using Present Value YEAR OF PROJECT 0 1 2 3 4 5 Total Net economic benefit $ - $ 40,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 Discount rate (5%) $ 1.00 $ 0.91 $ 0.83 $ 0.75 $ 0.68 $ 0.62 PV of Benefits $ - $ 36,363.64 $ 41,322.31 $ 45,078.89 $ 40,980.81 $ 37,255.28 NPV of all BENEFITS $ - $ 36,363.64 $ 77,685.95 $ 122,764.84 $ 163,745.65 $ 201,000.93 $ 201,000.93 One-time COSTS $ (42,000.00) Recurring Costs $ - $ (28,500.00) $ (28,500.00) $ (28,500.00) $ (28,500.00) $ (28,500.00) Discount rate (10%) $ 1.00 $ 0.91 $ 0.83 $ 0.75 $ 0.68 $ 0.62 PV of Benefits $ (42,000.00) $ (25,909.09) $ (23,553.72) $ (21,412.47) $ (19,465.88) $ (17,696.26) NPV of all COSTS $ (42,000.00) $ (67,909.09) $ (91,462.81) $ (112,875.28) $ (132,341.17) $ (150,037.42) $ (150,037.42) Cumulative Difference (42,000.00) (31,545.45) (13,776.86) 9,889.56 31,404.48 50,963.50 Contribution of members Responsibilities of each members of organization: CEO The CEO of an organization is responsible for increasing the profitability and productivity of the organization through the reduction of the production costs related to the business process [11] Manager The manager is responsible for operating the business processes in an efficient way such that to increase the productivity of the organization [12]. Another significant function of the manager is to score updates related to the progress of the project being undertaken by the company. Suppliers The responsibility of the supplier is to facilitate the working of distribution channel system of the organizations and to deliver the raw materials for the companies to manufacture the same Employees The employees of the organization are responsible for implementing the project which is undertaken by the company within the scheduled time line such that to increase the productivity of the organization in the long run Sponsors The sponsors of an organization are responsible for investing on the project to be implemented by the organizations that help increase the profitability of the organization in the market Clients The clients are the customers of the organization who are the main source of revenue Outcomes in UAE Business plan for starting up of an ecommerce website in UAE: Planning Researching the market Implementing the competition analysis Incorporating the brand management strategy Implementing appropriate business development strategy Implementing Hiring a website development consultant Hiring a UAE national sponsor Getting the website name to be approved by the Department of Economic Development (DED) [13] Establishing a tenancy contract Creating a memorandum of association (MOA) with the sponsors Finally submitting the MOA agreement, legal documents, and tenancy contract to the DED References Azar, Samih Antoine and Nazim Noueihed, "The Discounted Payback In Investment Appraisal: A Case Study", IJBA, 5 (2014) Birkinshaw, Julian, "DO WE STILL NEED MANAGERS?", Business Strategy Review, 25 (2014), 6-6 Brooker, Edward, "Profit Planning, 3Rd Edition", Annals of Tourism Research, 39 (2012), 1749-1750, "Enoc Retail - Welcome To The World Of Retail",, 2016 [accessed 3 June 2016] "FACULTY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES", Higher Education Abstracts, 47 (2012), 261-263 Klovien, Lina, "PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM COMPATIBILITY WITH BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT", ecoman, 17 (2012) L ee, Michael and Cobia Spencer, "Management Accounting Systems Support Start-Up Business Growth", 2013 Morano, Pierluigi and Francesco Tajani, "Break Even Analysis For The Financial Verification Of Urban Regeneration Projects", AMM, 438-439 (2013), 1830-1835 Omar, Mohammad Abu, "Using Net Present Value (NPV) To Test The Integrated Model In Building Management Information Systems", Pressacademia, 3 (2016), 50-50 Rahni, Ahmed, Emmanuel Grolleau, Michal Richard, and Pascal Richard, "Feasibility Analysis Of Real-Time Transactions", Real-Time Syst, 48 (2012), 320-358 "Website Terms And Conditions And UAE Law", Arab Law Quarterly, 18 (2003), 209-211 Young, Gary J., Howard Beckman, and Errol Baker, "Financial Incentives, Professional Values And Performance: A Study Of Pay-For-Performance In A Professional Organization", Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33 (2012), 964-983 [1] Michael L ee and Cobia Spencer, "Management Accounting Systems Support Start-Up Business Growth", 2013. [2] Edward Brooker, "Profit Planning, 3Rd Edition", Annals of Tourism Research, 39 (2012), 1749-1750 [3] Lina Klovien, "PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM COMPATIBILITY WITH BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT", ecoman, 17 (2012) [4] Gary J. Young, Howard Beckman and Errol Baker, "Financial Incentives, Professional Values And Performance: A Study Of Pay-For-Performance In A Professional Organization", Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33 (2012), 964-983 [5] Lina Klovien, "PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM COMPATIBILITY WITH BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT", ecoman, 17 (2012) [6][6] Mohammad Abu Omar, "Using Net Present Value (NPV) To Test The Integrated Model In Building Management Information Systems", Pressacademia, 3 (2016), 50-50 [7] Pierluigi Morano and Francesco Tajani, "Break Even Analysis For The Financial Verification Of Urban Regeneration Projects", AMM, 438-439 (2013), 1830-1835 [8] Samih Antoine Azar and Nazim Noueihed, "The Discounted Payback In Investment Appraisal: A Case Study", IJBA, 5 (2014) [9] Ahmed Rahni and others, "Feasibility Analysis Of Real-Time Transactions", Real-Time Syst, 48 (2012), 320-358 [10], "Enoc Retail - Welcome To The World Of Retail",, 2016 [accessed 3 June 2016]. [11] "FACULTY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES", Higher Education Abstracts, 47 (2012), 261-263 [12] Julian Birkinshaw, "DO WE STILL NEED MANAGERS?", Business Strategy Review, 25 (2014), 6-6 [13] "Website Terms And Conditions And UAE Law", Arab Law Quarterly, 18 (2003), 209-211